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Why Is An IT Alerting Platform Vital To Your Organisation?

by 12, Mar, 2018Alerting & Incident Management, Blog Posts, Useful Information

I was stuck in an airport in Milan while waiting for my flight back to the UK recently, and a realisation came to me. When things go wrong with the applications that employees use to provide service to the passengers in an airport, how does the IT team react? How do they manage this kind of interruption and reduction in the quality of IT service?

Regardless of the impact, incidents are always a pain! Of course, the impact is greater when it involves a significant number of affected users, operations being paralyzed, employees losing productivity, and revenues being at risk.

Working in the Service Management space for over 10 years, I am very passionate about process automation, visibility, control, and providing excellent IT service to customers. The presence of tools such as Service Management, Network Monitoring/Management, and Security Management ensures that incidents, events, and other issues are identified quickly, but what happens next? How do you and your teams ensure that an incident is resolved in the quickest possible time to bring back a particular IT service?

During the process of incident resolution, it’s not just about the speed that matters, it’s also about the communication and collaboration within the different IT teams that are accountable and responsible for the particular IT Service. Below you will find a few items that should be in your checklist that are worth considering before dealing with an incident:

  • Who needs to be aware and kept in the loop?
  • Who needs to be simply informed or updated?
  • Who are the relevant teams within and outside of IT that needs to be involved?
  • How will you reach them more effectively considering all the communication channels available?

The Everbridge® Enterprise IT Alerting platform provides your IT teams with the full visibility and control during an IT incident resolution process. It promotes collaboration between different teams to ensure quick response and resolution of an incident.

Locate and Contact the Right People Anytime, Anywhere: Everbridge’s incident response platform automatically identifies the right people who should respond immediately. With the use of pre-built message templates, it promotes error-free communications tailored to the different stakeholders. You can quickly assemble war rooms with 1-click, pin-less smart conference bridges, and ChatOps rooms. You can also use local caller ID in all countries for the highest engagement.

Never Miss a Critical Alert: The workforce on-call schedule provides you with the ability to know who’s available at all times. A key benefit of this includes the ability to automatically send multi-channel alerts until they are acknowledged. The ability to automatically escalate alerts until acknowledged enables users to stay on top of any incident update.

Fix Issues Faster. With its built-in automation workflow, known issue remediation plans are easy to execute. Within the platform, you have the ability to create multi-tool integrated steps to build end-to-end resolution plans. For faster execution, you can even use your mobile device to review and approve changes.

Product Trial: Everbridge IT Alerting Platform

Continuously Improve Response Team Efficiency. Track and record all response activities and analyse performance by teams, by area, by type. All users are also able to keep track of the resolution activities and conversations during the incident process that is useful for compliance and post-mortem analysis.

Consolidate Your Notification and Alerting Solutions onto the Leading Enterprise Platform. Everbridge’s IT Alerting platform provides you with peace of mind in ensuring that critical alerts are sent and received on a timely manner. It is also a platform that is future proof- supporting not just your current requirements but most importantly, future requirements of the business.

It is often missed out that people (your IT teams) are the most important element in an incident resolution process. Thus, it is vital and critical that the organisation provide them with a tool like Everbridge’s IT Alerting platform to ensure that they can perform their job – that is to restore service as quickly as possible, reduce downtime and minimise potential revenue loss.

Mon Dulay

Mon Dulay

Sales Manager

As the Sales Manager at Prosperon, Mon is passionate about helping customers overcome their operational challenges, and achieve success and satisfaction with the products and services that Prosperon provides.

Product Trial: Everbridge IT Alerting Platform

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