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Webinar On-Demand: Understanding Database Health Vs. Performance with SolarWinds

by 27, Jul, 2017Product Demonstrations, Systems Management, Webinars On-Demand

In this webinar, you will explore the key differences between database health versus performance and why it’s essential for DBAs to monitor both for a well-running database environment. This webinar will teach you how to pinpoint the cause of database performance issues and quickly resolve them using SolarWinds® Database Performance Analyser. You will learn techniques to eliminate performance bottlenecks and how these techniques combined with increased database visibility can improve application performance.

What you will learn on this webinar:

  • The Importance of Database Health Versus Database Performance: Understand why focusing solely on database health and resource consumption leaves you open to overlooking critical database performance metrics.
  • How to Pinpoint the Root-Cause of Database Performance Issues: Stop resolving only the symptoms of database problems by quickly identifying the root-cause with advanced troubleshooting techniques and best practices.
  • Techniques to Eliminate Database Performance Bottlenecks: Increase application performance by quickly identifying and eliminating underlining database performance bottlenecks that impact application performance.
  • Live Product Demonstrations & Q&A Session: A Senior SolarWinds DBA will demonstrate the core functionality of SolarWinds Database Performance Analyser, and lead an interactive Q&A session.

Product Trial: SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer

Jesus Mingarro

Jesus Mingarro

Sales Manager

Jesus Mingarro is the Sales Manager at Prosperon Networks. Jesus specialises in adding value to SolarWinds customers by helping them maximise and better utilise their SolarWinds solutions.

Product Trial: SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer

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