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Webinar On-Demand: The Power of SolarWinds Customisation – Advanced Alerting

by 25, Jun, 2020Alerting & Custom Alerts, Professional Services, Webinars On-Demand

In this webinar, you will discover how to enhance your SolarWinds® platform using custom alerts. This webinar examines how to improve the performance of your SolarWinds platform by going beyond out-of-the-box alerts. You will learn how to respond to problems faster ; how to increase visibility into potential issues , and reduce the time it takes to troubleshoot problems by creating powerful custom dashboard views.

What you will learn on this webinar:

  • Populate Node Custom Properties Using Alerts: Discover how to automatically create and assign custom properties to nodes on the subnets monitored in SolarWinds IP Address Manager (IPAM); including, site, address, contact info, etc.
  • High CPU Usage Alert On Microsoft® Windows Services : Learn how to go beyond default SolarWinds high CPU utilisation alerts on Windows Servers to list processes with high CPU usage, and even automatically kill the process.
  • Automatically Provide Links To PerfStack Within Alerts : Explore how to easily provide a link to a PerfStack display showing common data metrics relevant to that alert, within the alert output. This could be on a node, interface, volume, etc.
  • Live Demonstrations & Q&A Session : A Senior SolarWinds Engineer will demonstrate how to implement these alerts, and provide the custom code and resources you need to import them into your own SolarWinds platform.

Consultancy: SolarWinds Customisation Services

Ecmel Ozdemir

Ecmel Ozdemir

Snr. SolarWinds Engineer

Ecmel Ozdemir is a Senior SolarWinds Engineer at Prosperon Networks. As a SolarWinds Engineer for over three years, Ecmel has helped hundreds of customers meet their IT monitoring requirements with SolarWinds.

Consultancy: SolarWinds Customisation Services

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