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Webinar On-Demand: Managing Application Performance with SolarWinds AppStack & PerfStack

by 13, Jul, 2017Product Demonstrations, Systems Management, Webinars On-Demand

In this webinar, you will discover how to pinpoint the root-cause of application performance issues with SolarWinds® using continuous monitoring and end-to-end visibility. This webinar will give you a first-hand look at SolarWinds AppStack and how to leverage it to deliver visibility across your application environment; from servers, virtualised infrastructure, storage and database layers. You will also discover how to accelerate problem resolution by correlating application performance metrics from multiple sources and data types, on a single drag and drop chart with SolarWinds PerfStack.

What you will learn on this webinar:

  • Diagnose Application Performance Problems Fast: Learn how to visualise the relationship between applications and underlying IT infrastructure layers with an intuitive application dependency map that delivers end-to-end visibility.
  • Troubleshoot with Cross-Stack IT Data Correlation: Discover how to acccelerate application resolution time by comparing network, systems, virtualisation, storage and database data side-by-side on a common timeline.
  • Eliminate Finger Pointing Between IT Teams: Learn how to share important IT stack data and metrics across teams, and definitively prove whether application performance issues are caused by Systems or the Network.
  • Live Product Demonstrations & Q&A Session: A SolarWinds Engineer will demonstrate the core functionality of AppStack and PerfStack with a live application troubleshooting session that proves that the issue is with the Network.

Product Trial: SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor

Mark Roberts

Mark Roberts

Technical Director

Mark Roberts is the Technical Director at Prosperon Networks and a SolarWinds MVP. Mark has been helping customers meet their monitoring needs with SolarWinds IT Management Solutions for over 14 years.

Product Trial: SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor

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