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webinar: SolarWinds Best PRACTICES – Custom Application Service Views vs. Default Views

Go beyond out-of-the-box SolarWinds views to better monitor application services

SolarWinds Best Practices Custom Application Service Views Vs. Defaul Views (Video Slate) - Prosperon Networks

SolarWinds Best Practices – Custom Views

In this FREE Webinar on Thursday 10th December, you will discover how to enhance Application Service Views within SolarWinds®.

Learn how to improve your visibility and monitoring capabilities by going beyond out-of-the-box SolarWinds Application Service views. Discover how to troubleshoot application issues faster by enhancing the default SQL Summary Page and SQL Application Details Page with KPI metrics. Finally, explore how to increase device visibility by expanding metrics captured on the default Node Details Page. A Senior SolarWinds Engineer will demonstrate how to create these advanced views, and will answer your questions in a live interactive Q&A session.

What You Will Learn

Create Powerful Application Service Dashboard Views

Get a greater level of application service visibility by building focused views, with key performance metrics and insights.

Supercharge The Default SQL Server Summary Page

Add important KPIs such as, the number of connections, CPU and memory consumption, disk performance figures, and more.

Customise The Node Details Page Layout & Display Metrics

Expand the default view to better capture key performance insights, and display the information using custom layouts.

Register Your Place Now


Mark Roberts is the Technical Director at Prosperon Networks and a SolarWinds MVP. Mark has been helping customers meet their monitoring needs with SolarWinds IT Management Solutions for over 14 years.

Mark Roberts

Technical Director, Prosperon Networks

As the Sales Manager at Prosperon, Mon is passionate about helping customers overcome their operational challenges, and achieve success and satisfaction with the products and services that Prosperon provides.

Mon Dulay

Sales Manager, Prosperon Networks

Time & Date

Thursday, 10th December 2020

11:00 am to 12:00 pm GMT

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Who Should Attend

Network Administrators

Interested in learning how to leverage advanced customisation techniques to optimise and improve SolarWinds Application Service Views, beyond what is achievable out-of-the-box. Additionally, Network Administrators who want to explore customisation examples that can be done by Prosperon’s Professional Services team to enhance SolarWinds to better meet your requirements.

Application/Systems Managers

Interested in learning how the default Application Service Views within SolarWinds can be improved through customisation, to help to identify, troubleshoot and resolve application issues faster.

Prosperon Networks are the UK’s leading provider of SolarWinds IT management solutions and services. We have been an Authorised SolarWinds Partner for over 14 years, and all of our Engineers are SolarWinds Certified Professionals (SCP). Over this time we have provided consulting, support, and training services to hundreds of SolarWinds customers across the UK and Europe.

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