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Finally The New Reporting Engine From Solarwinds

by 6, Jul, 2016Blog Posts, Network Management, Reporting & Custom Reports

SolarWinds® Network Performance Monitor (NPM) 10.6 brings with it a completely overhauled Reporting Engine, this long awaited update has been one of the most requested and sought after updates to date.

The new Reporting Engine allows end users to quickly and easily compile reports using an intuitive point and click web-interface directly from the Orion Web Console. No longer will you have to dive directly onto the server load another application and deal with the clunky old interface you’ve been relying on for many years.

Now, you can simply click and produce a detailed, fully featured report in minutes; with clear concise elements, graphs, charts and the usual selection of statistical data well presented in your browser.

In addition to the existing reports you would expect from the previous Report Writer, Solarwinds have included numerous new reports specific to the new and improved Reporting Engine. These new reports contain multiple resources (tables/charts) and can be configured to pull data from separate data sources or time periods.
These reports can also be used as a base-line from which you can build more business specific reports, providing you with bespoke and appropriate information.

The layout of the new reports can even be changed with a simple drag and drop, if you want to include your own Logo rather than the Solarwinds default it’s as simple as selecting a new image when building the report.

Out of the box, the new report writer gives you the ability to create reports from scratch with no SQL required, though, if you really want to use SQL for reports, that’s also supported too. The new system also provides you with a wide selection of pre-built resources though it’s just as easy to create new resources or custom charts and tables. This is achieved simply by defining your data-source and the data you would like to collect.
Overall Solarwinds have provided an excellent first step in modernising their reporting structure, while no means a complete replacement for your existing reporting structure, given time this new Reporting Engine will grow to compliment and eventually replace the existing Report Writer.

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Matt Crane

Matt Crane

Director of Sales & Marketing

Matt Crane is the Director of Sales & Marketing at Prosperon Networks. Matt has years of experience working with SolarWinds customers and prides himself on delivering solutions that meet the needs of customers.

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